!! NEW !! Forex Training Students Now Get our FX Total View Trader's Cockpit for Joining!
This amazing tool gives you what we feel is a TOTAL VIEW of the entire currency market in under a 30 second glance.
- Currencies Above/Below Yesterday's High or Low
- Currencies Above/Below Last Week's High or Low
- Currencies Above/Below Last Month's High or Low
- Currencies Above/Below HOURLY chart's moving avg
- Daily Trend - Which currencies are above 10, 20, 50, and 200 Day Moving Avg or Below them!
- Total Strength Statistical Trend Tool for scalpers, intermediate term traders, and now long term traders
- Currencies that meet NR4 and NR7 patterns which tend to lead to big trend days today
- Counter Trend Traders Dream Come True - Which currencies have been up/down 3, 4, 5+ days in a row as they tend to reverse
Let us Prove Our Forex Trading Systems BEFORE You Invest a Penny -- FREE Video Training Course!
Daily Mentoring and Training by our Professional Forex Traders, not trainers.
We are ALWAYS improving our software and that same commitment to excellence is applied to our training. Here;s what's New!
1) Daily Trading Zones - These high probability buy/sell areas are human derived each and every day by looking at multiple time frame charts and using longer term Fibonacci Retracements, Fibonacci Profit Targets, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Pivot Points, Daily Moving Averages (20, 50 and 200) and also each currencies Average True Range statistics.
We look for STRONG areas of support and resistance at or near each currencies average range. This takes us about an hour to do each night to prepare for the next day's trading. All YOU need to do is add a special indicator to the charts that we give our mentor students, the password will be provided upon joining!
Also Included Trading Zone Audio Alerts - Too busy to watch the Forex markets 24 hours a day? So are we! So we put in Audio, Email AND even Cell Phone Alerts. When the market hits our high probability buy/sell areas you will know and can then take a look to see if its a trade you wish to take.
The chart to the right is an example of what our Trading zones look like. These are actual levels we called out the day before for the GBP/USD. We believe this can help traders spot and locate areas where trends may not continue. We believe these levels make good areas to also do counter trend trades. Many of our traders tell us this is their favorite part of our mentoring!
2) Currency Overview Email - Every mentor student will be provided with our Daily Currency Trading Plan. In this nightly email we setup both what happened today and what we expect is most likely to happen tomorrow. You can see an example from our May 15, 2008 commentary to the right. We let you know IF price is Above a certain level BUY and if below a
level look for shorts. We also provide areas we feel will stall or possibly reverse the current
Our traders find this incredibly helpful as this gives them a ROADMAP in which to trade!
3) Intraday Currency Update! - We also email out every weekday morning what is going on in the currencies and price levels we are looking to buy or sell them and why! As you will see in the real example on the right, we also let you know what price has to be broken for the current trend to end. In the GBP/USD example on the right its clear you should look for shorts as long as price was below 1.9465. If that level gets broken then look for buys.
This information we've found is invaluable for NEW TRADERS who have no clue how the markets work but through reading our commentary and coming to our classes and watching our training videos over time will learn how to do this analysis for themselves. Our experienced traders also love our commentary as it gives them more confidence in their trades when our opinion matches their own!
Keep in mind most Commentary or Signal Services charge $100 to $500 per month for this information that we give all of our Mentor Students at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE.
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